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The long awaited link of the new web-based personnel tracking system for The Police Retirement System of St. Louis is scheduled was activated on 9/4/12.  When accessing the website at you will be asked to enroll in the new system.  You will choose your own username and password, just as you do for any website.  Once chosen, along with your challenge questions, you will have total access to the benefit calculator, your DROP account and your Member Account (Lump Sum).

The office staff will no longer be able to issue new access codes nor retrieve old/forgotten codes, as that will be done with the webmaster.

UnionActive Police Newswire
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Updated: Oct. 22 (06:01)

2024 Endorsements
El Paso Municipal Police Officers' Association
Union meeting tonight
Duluth Police Local #807
Union meeting tonight
Duluth Police Local #807
Memorial Fund Fundraiser
Saint Louis Police Officers Association
Rest in Peace Officer Lee
Saint Louis Police Officers Association
Tom Burgoon Charity Event
Saint Louis Police Officers Association
Committee Information

Sgt. Lake is currently planning this year's SLPLO Christmas Dinner Dance which will take place on Friday, December 6, 2013.  An invitation and RSVP form will be sent out in November.  Please save the date!
Contact: Sgt. Thomas Lake
Health & Welfare
Sgt. Hosie shall be responsible for review, evaluation and recommendations for improvement in benefits of the Pension System, Relief, Hospitalization, Credit Union, Funeral, Insurance, and any other program so designated by the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.
Contact: Sgt. Brian Hosie
Legal Committee

Lt. Bockstruck shall be responsible for making recommendations to the President on matters requesting legal assistance submitted to the Association as set-forth in the Legal Counsel Guidelines.

Please contact Lt. Janice Bockstruck immediately if you feel you need legal representation from the SLPLO as it relates to any actions taken in the course of your official police duties.

Contact: Lt. Janice Bockstruck
Legislative Committee
Lt. Percich shall be responsible for all legislation submitted by or for the welfare of the Leadership Organization members.  They will be responsible for keeping the Executive Committee advised on such matters.
Contact: Lt. Thomas Percich
Membership & Nominating Committee

Lt. Danback shall be responsible for (1) contacting potential new members who have been promoted in rank; (2) annually review the Department rolls to determine those individuals who have not joined and encourage them to join; (3) to review resignations and make recommendations to the Executive Committee.

Lt. Danback shall also be responsible for conducting and supervising all official nominations and elections of all members of the Board of Directors and delegates of the Leadership Organization when appropriate.

Lt. Danback is currently accepting applications to join the St. Louis Police Leadership Organization.  Contact him at for an application or to update you beneficiary information.

Contact: Lt. Ronald Danback
Miscellaneous (Building Committee)
Mike Siemers is responsible for the upkeep of the official St. Louis Police Leadership Office at 4655 Hampton.
Contact: Michael Siemers
Planning & By-Laws Committee

Sgt. Vogt shall be responsible to the Executive Committee for developing new programs, sampling members to needs, evaluating existing programs and planning future programs and development of Bylaws.

Sgt. Vogt has been working to create an editable version of the by-laws which can be reviewed and, if necessary, presented to the membership for any future changes.

Contact: Sgt. John Vogt

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If you would like to join the St. Louis Police Leadership organization, please fill out an application and send page one to Joyce in Budget/Finance and page two (beneficiary info) to Sgt. John Vogt, District 2.

Upcoming Events
SLPLO Board of Directors' Meeting
Nov 20, 2024
4655 Hampton Ave.
SLPLO Annual Christmas Dinner/Dance
Dec 06, 2024
SLPLO Board of Directors' Meeting
Jan 15, 2025
4655 Hampton Ave.
The SLPLO's next General Membership Meeting will be held on Friday, December 6, 2024.  This is the annual Christmas Dinner/Dance.  Details about the meeting will be sent out to the membership as the date approaches.

Important Links
Officer Down Memorial Page
Saint Louis Metropolitan Police Department
St. Louis Police Retirement System
Law Offices of Rick Barry, P.C.
St. Louis Police Veterans' Association
Saint Louis County Police Department
Missouri State Highway Patrol
Missouri Department of Public Safety
City of Saint Louis
Saint Louis Police Leadership Organization
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