A Message from Retiree Rep Jim Wurm
I would like to thank all members who voted in the Pension Election and gave me their support. Now is the time when we need to stick together and fight for our rights and benefits. Just remember, anything you have now, fight for, because if its taken away you will never get it back. Again, for active officers only, I ask for your support for a 2% or 3% increase in your pension contribution. It's money that you get back upon retirement and cannot be taken away and believe me after you're retired, you don't save money, only spend the money, and if the money is not there, then you have to do without. Any problems with your pension, please don't ask the wrong person, talk to our Executive Director, at the pension office, Steve Olish, 314 241 0800 and get the right answer from the "horse's mouth." Again, thanks for you support and as always, I will defend the pension system until I am gone. The pension system is having a rough time in the market and we are trying to just hold our own. We are working to improve the market with additional meetings at the office regarding our system. For those that don't know, Capt. Mike Sack is now Chairman of the Pension System and with his knowledge we will be back on track in no time at all. As always, GOD BLESS OUR MEN & WOMEN ON THE STREET AND ALL RETIREES.