What is the SLPLO?
The St. Louis Police Leadership Organization, formed in 1978 and formerly known as the St. Louis Police Fraternal Organization (SLPFO), has represented the interests of the supervisors and commanders of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department for 33 years now. Over the years, the organization has grown, with a current membership level of over 300 active and retired members. The Organization is a member of the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO), located in Washington, DC, which represents the interests of over 250,000 law enforcement personnel throughout this Country. While a majority of issues in policing affect the personnel at all ranks and levels, there certainly are issues that are of more concern to the management level of the department. It is important that these issues are discussed by management personnel and that our best interests are voiced and represented. This agenda is accomplished in a number of ways, most significantly by way of legislation at the local, state and national level. It is this basic foundation by which this Organization was formed and by which it continues to serve its 300 plus members.
Page Last Updated: Jan 15, 2012 (13:36:27)